British Rowing 

Poached eggs, greens and potato hash

GB Rowing Chef Marcin Mazur serves up this simple supper!

This classic dish is packed with essential nutrients. If you need more carbohydrates for fuelling before exercise or refuelling afterwards, just add a wholemeal roll or toast. A glass of orange juice to will further enhance the uptake of the egg and spinach iron thanks to the vitamin C.

Ingredients (serves two)

Half a red onion
1 clove of garlic
6 new potatoes
200g baby spinach
100g peas (fresh or frozen)
50g grated Parmesan
150ml white wine vinegar
Half a bunch of  chopped parsley
2 free-range duck eggs or  4 free-range chicken eggs
2 tablespoons of olive oil
Salt and pepper
Pinch of smoked paprika

How to make it

1  Boil the new potatoes for about 15 to 20 minutes. Make sure they aren’t too soft.
2  Put the olive oil in the pan at a medium heat.
3  Chop the onion and garlic, fry for three minutes.
Slice or dice the cooked new potatoes and then add these into the pan with the baby spinach and smoked paprika.
5  Fry everything together until the potatoes are golden brown.
6  Then add the peas – cook if from frozen – chopped parsley and parmesan. Mix everything together and season with salt and pepper.
7  Add the white wine vinegar to 1.5 litres of water and bring both to the boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer. Stir the water to create a gentle whirlpool. Crack the eggs into the centre and poach for about four minutes (same for duck and chicken eggs) or until the egg-white sets.
8 Lift the eggs out with a slotted spoon, and drain onto a cloth.
9  Spoon the potato hash from the frying pan and divide between two plates. Add an egg(s) to each and enjoy!

Why this recipe is good for rowers

Nutritionist Jacqueline Birtwisle says: “Peas, parsley, spinach and potatoes provide a whole range of essential nutrients. The spinach and parsley have beta-carotene providing vitamin A and folate while all these ingredients contain vitamin C, including the potatoes, which are also a good source of thiamine and potassium.

“Feel free to experiment with frozen vegetable ingredients as the vitamin nutritional value is the same, or sometimes better than fresh. Of course eggs, including duck eggs, are great for nutrients such as retinol (vitamin A), copper and B12 plus an average chicken egg will provide 7g of first class protein – a duck egg nearer 10g owing to its larger size.”

Nutritional content per serving

497kcal energy
26g carbohydrate
28g protein
30g fat
6.5g fibre

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