British Rowing 

The Real Time Loop

Have you ever wished you could jump onto your Concept2 machine and row with a friend in another place virtually together? Or are you curious to see who else is rowing at the same time around world and are looking to join other likeminded rowers across the Concept2 community?

You can now do this thanks to the launch of a exciting new feature on the ErgData app called the Real Time Loop.

What is the Real Time Loop?

Concept2 have created a virtual 1000 metre loop which allows you to virtually row with others around the world at anytime of the day. All you need to do is connect your phone or tablet to your PM5 monitor via the ErgData app and off you go. The loop is set up like a race tack and you can do as many laps as you like. Your time is recorded as a Just Row workout and then saved to your Concept2 Online Logbook when you finish.

What are the Key Features?

You have your own rowing avatar 

Your Online Logbook profile picture or initials are used as your rowing avatar so people can recognise you and you can find others as you row around the circuit together.

You can view the loop in two ways 

The new feature allows a user to row the loop in two ways. Firstly an option to make you feel like your rowing alongside others on a virtual river. You can workout with those rowing closest to you, ahead of you, as well as those behind you too. On a phone, you will be shown the two closest people, and on a tablet you will see the four closest people to you. 

The second option is an overhead view of the entire 1000m loop, with dots showing the location of other people participating at that specific time. A white dot represents real people, and the dark blue dots indicate “pacebots” which travel at different set 500m paces. There are eight “pace bots” circulating on the loop in total, indicated by C2 flags and their pace shown on their avatar. These pace bots are a great way to test yourself if your looking to improve a time over a specific distance, or just looking for a extra challenge during your workout.

It will track your rowing data
The loop displays individual data on the left side of the screen, including your duration, distance, average pace and stroke rate. It also shows the community real time data on the right side of the screen, including total people on the loop, total countries represented, and the all-time total kilometres achieved. All of your personal workout data will be sent to your own Concept2 logbook when you finish to review and track your training progress.

Why should i start using this as part of my training?

  • It is free to access
    Unlike many other virtual rowing apps, Concept2 have added this as a new feature to the current ErgData app. It is free to download and you can start using it straight away as part of your training without any subscription costs attached.
  • It enables you to row with other likeminded indoor rowers
    The loop makes indoor rowing more fun, helping you find existing or creating new friend’s and friendly competition, or just enjoy seeing which countries are represented and how many total people are on the loop. It creates a sense of community amongst the Concept2 indoor rower users.
  • It will keep you motivated
    If your looking for something new to get you motivated to get on their erg and row with others. It is a great way to row with other people, as well as helping you keep rowing until you catch (or are caught by) others from around the world, many with the same shared goals of contributing to the total number of laps and participants.

How do i starting accessing the Real Time Loop?

The best way to learn more about the Real Time Loop is to try it! You just need have access to a Concept2 with a PM5 monitor and have downloaded Concept2’s free app, ErgData. It is available for iOS and Android and available from the App and Google Play stores now.

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