Fergus Mainland 

The Five Rings Indoor Rowing Challenge

To celebrate Paris take on the British Rowing 5 Rings indoor rowing challenges.

You can choose to enter one or enter them all and can take part either using an indoor rowing machine or by getting on the water both individually or with your rowing crew. See how you match up against friends, family and other crews worldwide during the games.

Take part in any (or all!) of the 5 challenges, and you’ll win medals for finishing in the top positions, as well as some British Rowing spot prizes for everyone entered.

How far can you row in 24 strokes?

The 250m race to the line

The 500m race for gold

How far can you row in 70 seconds – the number of medals GB Rowing has won since Paris 1900? (31 gold, 25 silver, 14 bronze)

The 2024m challenge.

If you are taking part as a crew, just one person should enter on your crew’s behalf.

Entries close at 5pm on Monday, 9 September 2024 (the day after the Paralympic Games Closing Ceremony – the final event of Paris 2024).

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